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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a pilots license to take part in the simulations?

    No, everybody can take part. A pilots training is not necessary.

  • Are there limitations for taking part in the flight simulations?

    Yes, there is a limitation but that concerns body height. For (very) young children it is not possible to handel the flight controles and look outside the cockpit. We advice a minimal body height of 1.10m. Also the participant must be able to take his/her place in the cockpit. Beside this all there are no limitations.

  • Which aircraft types are available?

    Wij offer flight simulators based on the F-16 Fighting Falcon, The simulator for the F-35 JSF Lighting II is in development.

  • Can I participatie without any preparation?

    Yes, anybody can participate without any preparation. But we do advice to make use of the flight preparation we offer before the start of each flight simulation.

  • What is the flight preparation all about?

    Several subjects are part of the preparations. First we inform the participant about the general "Rules of Conduct" for using the simulators. Secondly we prepare the participants for flying their missions at their chosen level. This can differ for each individual participant.

  • How long does the flight preparation take?

    The preparatory briefings take about 50 minutes. Changing from civvies into flight gears is not included

  • What is the duration of a sim flight?

    A flight simulation is expressed in "slots". A slot takes 50 minutes and starts at every clock hour (H-hour). At H+50 the slot time ends and the participants are expected to leave the simulator.

  • Can I merge more than one slot to fly for an extended duration?

    Yes, it is possible to merge two slots for a total flight duration of 1hr 50 minutes.

  • How many people can board a flight simulator?

    Our present flight simulators accommodate one person.

  • Can we join the flight simulator sessions with a group of people?

    Yes, we operate 12 flight simulators, so 12 people can fly the sims at the same time within a slot. To ensure that people from the same group can fly the sims together a timely reservation is necessary.

  • Does everybody fly his/her own mission?

    That depends
    - In terms of difficulty level, the mission to be flown fits the individual experience level of the participant.
    - Several participants can fly missions of the same difficulty level and the same content at the same time.
    - Individual sim pilots can fly their mission within their own simulated airspace without hindrance of others.
    - A group of sim pilots can fly the same mission in the same simulated air space at the same time enabling them to operate as a combined and integrated force.

  • What's included in the entrance fee?

    The price is based on the number of slots the participant claimed. It includes:
    - The use of the flight gear.
    - The flight preparation and briefings (50 minutes).
    - The flight simulation (50 minutes).
    - Guidance by the staff

  • Is the restaurant available for non sim-pilots?

    Yes, the restaurant is open to everybody and not related with a reservation for the simulator.

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